The Adriano Olivetti Foundation supports and coordinates activities for the study, enhancement and dissemination of the history, ideas and achievements of Adriano Olivetti, making its vast historical and scientifically important collections available to researchers and scholars. These are recognised as being of considerable historical interest by the Lazio, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta Archival and Bibliographic Agencies.
The Rome office houses and makes accessible to the public the archive of the Foundation’s activities (1962 – 2020), the Angela Zucconi / CEPAS collection, and other similar collections, as well as an extensive library including the private collections of Adriano Olivetti and Camillo Olivetti, the complete collection of all the publications of the Adriano Olivetti Foundation, the main bibliography of Olivetti-related studies and research, the complete collection of publications of Edizioni di Comunità, the magazine “Comunità” and other related magazines.
In Ivrea, the Adriano Olivetti, Camillo Olivetti and Roberto Olivetti archives, the Adriano Olivetti and Camillo Olivetti newspaper and periodicals library, the Movimento Comunità and Edizioni di Comunità archives, the Ludovico Quaroni archives and library, the Georges Friedrich Friedmann archives, and other associated collections and archives are stored at the Archivio Storico Olivetti Association.